Friday 31 August 2012

A change of pace

Recently I've been yearning for a different way of playing EVE.

Though I don't mean joining some NullSec E-Peen waving or returning to the horrific featureless wasteland of HighSec, I just want to do something different in LowSec. And Faction Warfare is starting to hold my interest after hearing all about the scandal, insanity and full-blown ISK fountain that it supposedly is from various blogs and forums.

For the Minmatar anyway ;)

But frankly the whole ISK side isn't the thing that's been catching my attention. Since I'm dying alot less these days, PvP is much less expensive than it used to be, and I'm keeping my head above water finance-wise. So the ISK (while attractive) is more of a side-show for the supposed small-gang/solo PvP paradise that FW claims to be. So I decided I wanted to try it for a few months or so. There are two annoyances for this however. The first, more minor issue, is that I'll have to move all my crap to whichever faction's "staging system(s)" I decide to join. This will be annoying, but do-able. I'll have to use my freighter for a couple of runs (if I'm lucky, maybe only one) and probably borrow an Orca run or two from corpmates. Either way, it's more a question of time than any real effort or ISK.

Speaking of corpmates, that brings me to my next issue. I recently discovered (while chatting on a newb alt I placed in FW to test the waters) that if I want to join FW, I have to join either with my whole corp (which is not going to happen :P) or I join on my own, and I leave Adamas Anima for the time I'm in FW. I'd hope it was obvious, that this made me pause for a while. I've spent the vast majority of my time in EVE with Adamas Anima, and I've made good friends with many them. Dropping corp just to have moar PvP funtimes makes me feel a little selfish, and I was worried how my corp would react.  However, my corpmates have been fully supportive of me, and I'm certain when I come back a glorious war hero (sarcasm) they'll welcome me with open arms.

So at the moment I'm in corp stasis while I drop roles and such, and in a few hours I'll be deciding which faction I'll join. I'm still uhming and ahhing whether I'll join a FW Corp or just jump straight in with the NPC militia. I think I've settled for a certain option, but I want to do some more research before I tie myself down.

Suffice to say however, I've always enjoyed fighting as the underdog...

Fly safe :)

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