Thursday, 30 May 2013

Developing an obsession... And I don't care

Over the past week or so, I've been getting steadily more and more excited about jumping into my carrier. So much so, that the normally boring grind of moving modules for ships around has become fun when it's for my Archon.

I think I've got something wrong with me.

But anyway, when Odyssey hits, I won't be far from flying it at all. Under current skill training, I'm 38days away, the majority of that being Amarr Battleship IV and V. I can't tell you how glad I am I won't have to train that!

After the changed skill requirements, I'll just need to finish off Jump Drive Operation V (which is training at the moment with just over 9 days left), then quickly train Jump Drive Calibration IV (only III is needed but IV is better in my eyes) and get Capital Ships IV and Amarr Carrier I before I'm able to sit in it. Of course, a major problem here is the cost of those skillbooks (400 and 500mil respectively), but I'm getting back into trading again, and Seraph can easily earn a billion or two with some hard plexing over the course of a week. Basically, I could be in an Archon within a month.

I'm almost buzzing with excitement at the thought of it, since the Archon is my first "real" capital ship. While the Providence freighter I own, The People's Republic, is technically a capital ship it doesn't have a jump drive. In my eyes freighters are more pseudocapital ships than real capitals, as I define a capital ship as a ship with a jump drive that is larger than a battleship. I honestly can't wait to start training for triage modules and all that jazz. I'll probably have to join a NullSec Alliance at some point if I want to use it as anything more than a glorified bus though.

And I'm planning on videoing/screenshotting my first "jump" with it, so I can look back with fondness. Or if I die straightaway, you guys can get some cheap laughs from it. It's a win-win! Except for me, since I potentially get to lose a carrier D:

But since I've turned into such a rabid fan of carriers, I've spent alot of time over the last week or so scouring for every possible nugget of information or video on carriers, triage and logistics. I get a little obsessed sometimes if you hadn't guessed. But if you love carriers as much as me, here's a list of the stuff I've found and liked in my search.

Maybe you'll enjoy reading and watching it too!

EVE-Co Pilot Videos (Youtube)
SlowCat Carrier Prep
SlowCats in action supporting Titans
Carrier/SuperCarrier structure bashing
More SlowCat footage
Archon Triage footage
More Triage stuff
Jump drive tutorial inc. Carriers

Rooks and Kings Videos (Youtube)
Clarion Call I - Triage Carriers
Clarion Call II - Pantheon Carriers
"Anatomy of a Fight" Video - Short focus on Triage Carriers (7:35 - 13:30)
Triage footage, Part 1 and Part 2

Other stuff
Azual Skoll's guide on moving Capital ships
Archon fitting on Battleclinic (ew) with a good discussion on fitting options (yay)
Carriers 101: Training - The Mittani.Com
Carriers 102: Drones - The Mittani.Com
Carriers 103: Implants and Cynos - The Mittani.Com
Dotlan Jump Planner (yes I am that sad)

So that's all I've got, if I find anything else that's cool/interesting I'll add it on later. I hope somebody out there gets something out of this list, because it's made me realise quite how much time I've spent looking at carriers this week. It's a little worrying, not going to lie.

I'm going to go out and have a real life now o.O

Good luck out there guys :)

1 comment:

  1. I had the same obsession with my dreadnought. Sadly they don't get the same amount of love and video attention.
