Once again I'm in Penirgman scanning away, looking for people in missions. I'm having a bit of trouble nailing down this one signal, ZTN-003 and I make it my personal challenge to catch this slippery bugger. After fifteen minutes of swearing and losing the signal several times, I have a 100% location on a Nightmare. Ah.
I'm not even in the site and I know this is going to be problematic. The Nightmare is worth nearly a billion ISK by itself, and a "decent" fitting is normally enough faction mods to make you cry. This is not some random newguy bashing away at L4s in his Drake. This guy knows what he's doing, and if he actually attacks me, I'll be surprised as hell.
Anyway, I pull my probes and warp in.
As I hit the grid I land barely 20km from the Nightmare; pilot name Diokletion. I start flying towards the nearest large wreck. By the look of the rats and the mission space, I'm in the middle of a L4 Blockade. Sweet. (For those who don't mission much, if at all, the Sansha Blockade is one of the hardest and most lucrative missions you can get in terms of bounty and salvage . That said it's not massively difficult to complete in a decently fit faction battleship)
Within ten seconds of being on grid, I get a chat invite from Diokletion. I'm pretty sure he's either going to offer to turn the wrecks blue for a certain amount of ISK (something I usually do for Ninja Salvagers) or he's going to go for the straight up rage. Guess which he chose.
*Private Chat*
Diokletion > gtfo
Seraph Minayin > lol why
Diokletion > just fuck off
Diokletion > 1v1?
Seraph Minayin > XD
Seraph Minayin > magnate vs nightmare
Seraph Minayin > good times
Diokletion > nope
Diokletion > pvp ships
Seraph Minayin > i pvp in my poid <- I spell bad I know
Seraph Minayin > rawh
Diokletion > take something please
Seraph Minayin > huh? <- I'm acting dumb here, he clearly wants me to aggro him
Seraph Minayin > oh you warped
Diokletion > oh rly?
Seraph Minayin > oh crap <- Rats target me and my armour drops fast
Seraph Minayin > lol gg <- Never fear, I escaped!
Seraph Minayin > hey your back <- I wait on D-scan until he's back in site and warp back
Diokletion > i report you
*He leaves*
Lol you mad bro? Besides he can't actually report me for anything :P
So anyway I stick around his mission a bit longer and salvage about five or six large wrecks. So far I'm at almost fourteen armour plates, and I've barely worked for it. Yet again new guys, at this rate don't bother training for Level 4's, just whack in some salvage and scanning skills and you'll have enough ISK for your first month easily (not PLEX, just general costs).
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First wreck, you can see Dio with the red minus :) |
Diokletion seemed to get a bit pissed at this and switched to Local chat.
*Penirgman Local*
xxxSKELETORxxx > you guys are suck.. boring war. have a good night guarding IX-3 we go to sleep
Diokletion > Seraph Minayin take something you faggot
Seraph Minayin > i think you mad bro
Seraph Minayin > calm down, it's a game
Diokletion > yeah and you ruin it <- First tears?
Seraph Minayin > so me salvaging a few wrecks is making you hate eve
Diokletion > no hate you
Seraph Minayin > :(
Seraph Minayin > but i like your shiny wrecks
Seraph Minayin > it's not like im attacking you
Diokletion > i wish you would
Seraph Minayin > dude lets talk this over like sensible adults
Diokletion > so i can destroy
Diokletion > YOU
Seraph Minayin > seriously
Seraph Minayin > well you seem a bit mad
Diokletion > maybe
I keep salvaging, mainly the wrecks close to him so I'm always in his vision ;)
I salvage some more wrecks but he stays quiet. I get bored and send him an invite.
*Private chat*
Diokletion > 5secs
Seraph Minayin > so are we cool?
Diokletion > nope
Seraph Minayin > this is just my job dude
Seraph Minayin > dont hate
Diokletion > GTFO AND SHUT UP
*He leaves*
At this point I'm actually having more fun winding him up than I am stealing his shiny wrecks :)
More plates in my cargo...
Another chat invite. I wonder what he wants?
*Private chat*
Seraph Minayin > hey
Diokletion > just to let you know im gonna pay a mercanery corp to kill you <-TEARS :P
Seraph Minayin > sounds good
Diokletion > its worth it (:
Seraph Minayin > lemme know when you get one
Seraph Minayin > thats cool, waste your money
Diokletion > sure (:
Seraph Minayin > so we friends now?
Diokletion > no im not a fan of gay ppl
*He leaves again*
Bringing out a merc corp purely for a ninja. I am loving this...
I get bored just bumping him so I flip one of his cans. He begins to lock me, then realises what he's flying and warps off. Uh oh. I warp to a wreck 170km away and align to my station. I don't want to lose my salvage :P
He warps back in. In a Tengu. Wow. I warp out to my station then realign to the mission and spam D-scan.
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*Penirgman Local* - Huge Chunk, I've edited out the bits not relevant to his rage :)
Seraph Minayin > awwh a t3 vs a magnate
Diokletion > (:
Seraph Minayin > you scared of losing?
Diokletion > now you wont come back
Seraph Minayin > says who ? ;)
Diokletion > dunno, maybe meh?^^
Seraph Minayin > well you're blinded by rage over a few pixels so you might be biased
At this point he pops up in my overview. Oh noes! I dock up
Diokletion > where are you now?^^
Seraph Minayin > cloaked up watching the paladin :) <- His friend apparently dropping in
Seraph Minayin > i assume you know him
Diokletion > you cant fit a cloaking device into the pala <- I think he means the mission
Fixit Tickit > Dickletion I think you should quit before you embaraas yourself some more.
Local players join in the fun!
Diokletion > wow nice spelling (:
Fixit Tickit > It was intended
Jeinvay Kunsu > wow a spelling nazi
Fixit Tickit > err
Seraph Minayin > he bought out a fully fit pvp tengu to attack my little scanning frigate
Fixit Tickit > embarass*
Seraph Minayin > somebody is overcompensating
Fixit Tickit > somebody is downright scared
Fixit Tickit > im a lil' drunk excuze my spelling
Diokletion > if hes ninja salvaging meh i gotta take my revenge <- Seriously?
Jeinvay Kunsu > have fun with that
Diokletion > i will xD
Fixit Tickit > Have fun.
Seraph Minayin > its quite pathetic how pissed you are at me salvaging
Fixit Tickit > /emote patiently waits for tengu killmail. <- Want this
Seraph Minayin > they're my wrecks as much as yours
Diokletion > let me think
Diokletion > mmhmm
Diokletion > mhmm
Diokletion > mmhmh
Diokletion > mhmhm
Diokletion > NO
Seraph Minayin > why not
Diokletion > its my mission dude
Seraph Minayin > so
Fixit Tickit > what?
Seraph Minayin > not your ship <- I mean the wreck, not his Nightmare :)
Diokletion > i know that ur too low for eve (: <- Too low? What?
Fixit Tickit > not your space
Seraph Minayin > its a sansha ship if anyone's
Fixit Tickit > you have to share with others
Wife Xadi > stop crying about it, and do someting about it
Diokletion > my mission
Seraph Minayin > right...
Seraph Minayin > the wrecks are a side effect
Seraph Minayin > which i take advantage of
Jeinvay Kunsu > it might be YOUR mission, but its in EVERYONE's space... <- Excellent point there
Fixit Tickit > if it is his mission, how are you in it?
Diokletion > you are playing eve 2 years less than me i have more exp so i know what to do<- LOL?!
Seraph Minayin > scan him down
Fixit Tickit > I know
Seraph Minayin > its not hard
Fixit Tickit > I'm just proving a point
Seraph Minayin > lol diok
Seraph Minayin > if you're so experienced why are you still doin level 4's?
Fixit Tickit > lmao doik
Jeinvay Kunsu > age does not dictate experience
Fixit Tickit > age does not dictate anything but potential for skill
Seraph Minayin > and i put my skill into scanning ;)
Fixit Tickit > I tink, that if concord has not done anything yet
Fixit Tickit > seraph is 100% allowed to take and salvage your wrecks
Seraph Minayin > ^
I undock after my aggression timer is done and warp back in.
*Penirgman Local*
Seraph Minayin: HI BESTFRIEND
I couldn't resist.
He wasn't pleased.
*Still in Local*
Diokletion > ur such a frickin coward <- Wait, I'M the coward in this equation?
Seraph Minayin > \o/
Seraph Minayin > lolol
Fixit Tickit > um...
Seraph Minayin > magnate vs t3
Fixit Tickit > tengu.... magnate
Seraph Minayin > yes not fighting makes me a coward
Fixit Tickit > who;s a coward?
Fixit Tickit > tengu >.> magnate
Fixit Tickit > really?
Fixit Tickit > ser, if you fight him i'll give you drunken reps with my oni <- That would make my day
Seraph Minayin > lol
Seraph Minayin > i dont pvp <- False information incase of a fight. Shit mind games is how I roll
Fixit Tickit > i do
Seraph Minayin > i have a ratting arbi <-This was purely so he'd assume my arbi was crap if he attacked
Jeinvay Kunsu > altho i remember the bit about salvaging/stealing: Its not a crime, you're just borrowing stuff without the intention of returning it
Seraph Minayin > does that count
Fixit Tickit > uh
Fixit Tickit > naw
Seraph Minayin > shame
By this point Diokletion had finished his mission and warped off while his friend in the Paladin murdered the last few rats. He logged off a few minutes later. Rage quit?
I stuck around and salvaged all the large wrecks. Final count of 25 armour plates. Woo!
What I found funny was that, now the tables are turned, I'm totally on the Ninja's side. I can see how stupid it is that mission runners see wrecks as their property, yet only a few days ago, I likely would have venomously defended Diokletion. And also I have much more respect for ninja salvagers, this is clearly a fully fledged profession. I only have basic skills, somebody who specialised in scanning could no doubt make money salvaging way more efficiently and much faster than I did.
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Final salvage total, and I only went for the large wrecks :) |
I may do a short guide on what to do to make money on your first month in EVE, and this will definitely make the grade if I do so.
I may not have got a kill but his rage was certainly entertaining for an hour or so. Hopefully I can find him again and relive old times ;)
Next post will be about how I finally get a kill doing this. Third time lucky amirite? Right?
Tl;dr Making mission bears rage is almost as fun as pew pewing them :D
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