Sunday 27 May 2012

Sometimes life gives you lemons

And sometimes it showers you with gifts.

Like today, for example, when I had a lucky streak on SOMER Blink. Since they've hit 200trillion in payouts, they were offering the random chance to win double the items you gambled on. E.g if you had ticket 4 on a pirate cruiser, and that ticket won, you would win two of the cruisers, which is pretty awesome. (I can only imagine the orgasms if somebody got this on a capital ship). So I decided to try my luck and see if I could win some ships to pew in.

I started with 20mil I had in my BLINK account from some earlier wins, and through a series of "WTF I WON?!" moments, I steadily worked my way up to about 150mil, at which point I decided to risk going for a Legion, which I then won, like a boss.

Holy fucks were shouted and the ISK payment quickly taken.

Pics or GTFO? Challenge accepted.

Three seemed to be my lucky number, so I ran with it

I'm not sure whether to put this windfall into my PvP, or use it to help buy my alt a shiny new Orca.

My heart says MOAR PEW PEW, and my brain is inclined to agree.

We shall see.

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