Monday 17 June 2013

Nope sorry, you're still a scrub

I won't lie, a major part of my excitement about NullSec besides the huge fights, is the fact I'll be able to fly my Archon in "Slowcat" fleets. I was under the impression I could be in these fleets within a couple of weeks or so.

Then two days ago, a notice was posted on Alliance forums which basically said:

"As of the 15th of June, if you cannot use T2 Sentries/T2 Omnidirectional Tracking Links/T2 Drone Link Augmentors, your Slowcat is not eligible for reimbursement, and is also not acceptable for Slowcat fleets"

Bollocks. That's irritating. It's added another month to my carrier skillplan on top of the skills I was already planning, putting the total near fifty days. Admittedly I would have needed T2 Sentry skills anyway at some point (which is what I'm missing) but I was planning to use T1 sentries in fleets until I had T2 trained. And now I can't do that.


You think you're getting somewhere in this game, then you get reminded you're still a noob in many areas ;)

Good luck out there guys


  1. T2 Sentries mandatory for Slowcats? Thats stupid, most of the time you use T1 Sentries anyway because they will be bombed or abandoned.

    1. I think the idea is to make sure people have sentry interfacing V to max out DPS from T1 sentries

  2. Still a waste of the pilot base.
