Thursday 20 June 2013

This is what structure bashing reduces us to

So the other night in XUW-3X, where we were repping and then shooting a Goon station (it's Sov mechanics, we needed the station's reinforce to occur after the I-Hub, so we had to "reset" it) we were all pretty bored. Goons have decided to blueball every timer that isn't essential, so that's meant the only time I've actually engaged a Goon fleet is when our roaming BC gangs has run into one of their famous Caracal gangs. We pretty much steamrolled them despite having about 50 less people then they did (90 vs 140ish), mainly owning to the fact we could just alpha stuff right off the field, which is always fun.

So anyways, we're sitting in XUW-3X in a Dominix fleet, supported by neut fit Armageddons, waiting for our triage Archons to rep the station back to 51% armour so we can shoot it below 50% again and reset the timer. Personally I was in an Armageddon, and our general fleet concept relies around "deploy sentries, assist to drone controller, sit back and laugh". At this point we didn't have sentries out, because we didn't need them.

Suddenly a "neutral" Zealot warped on field as part of a TEST fleet. For those who are unaware, Nulli is allied with TEST, but we're still technically neutral to some of their allies, notably Ex Cinere Scriptor, which this Zealot was part of. Of course, we usually don't shoot anyway because they're helping us.

You can probably already guess what happened.

Bored out of our minds, some of us started joking about blapping the Zealot on fleet comms. And to our surprise our FC, (which I think was Canaris, but feel free to correct me) said "lol okay".

The order to deploy and assist sentries came. That's five sentries for every Dominix and Armageddon in our fleet. We had over two hundred of these ships. That's over one thousand drones deployed. We were already laughing our asses off.

I distinctly remember someone commenting in Local "holy shit that's alot of sentries".

Our drone controller Jean Leaner, locked up the Zealot and target painted it. Over one thousand sentry drones detected the aggro, switched targeting, and alphaed it off the field. We couldn't stop laughing.

That's how boring structure bashing gets, you literally turn on your allies. Or atleast the allies of your allies. I think I can see the Goonswarm grand strategy here...

Good luck out there guys!

1 comment:

  1. Is it wrong if I like structure bashing?
